What is the American Society for Quality?

In the world of business, the American Society for Quality (ASQ) is considered as the “national government” for the sustenance of quality products and services that are produced by businesses and organizations.
Founded back in 1946, the ASQ was formed and it became the association that helped and assisted the growth and the expansion of some manufacturing companies and organizations as well as other businesses and institutions that wanted improvement and development on their business quality.
Do They Regulate or Govern Lean Six Sigma?
Probably the most common misconception that people have is that the ASQ is the governing body that moderates and regulates Lean Six Sigma into the business procedures and processes of some organizations. To clarify that claim, they are not the governing body for it. As a matter of fact, Lean Six Sigma is an independent methodology and its efficiency and effectiveness are both measured by certified and accredited institutions and organizations.
Brief Overview of Lean Six Sigma
Lean Six Sigma is among the many disciplines and methodologies that are pointed towards maximum growth and potential while minimizing all the risks and the failures that can or might be involved within a particular business process. Its effectiveness rose since the early 2000s when millions and millions of companies and organizations started to utilize it for their own sake and will. Now, it’s still one of the best, if not the most recognized form of business process improvement in the industry.
Even still today, it is sought after by millions of companies, businesses, and organizations and there’s not another discipline that weighs more than Lean Six Sigma.
Lean Six Sigma and the American Society for Quality (ASQ)
If the American Society for Quality does not moderate and regulate Lean Six Sigma – who are they and what do they do? By the simplest definition, they are the global association and organization considered as the leader in quality improvements and developments in businesses.
They’re the organization dedicated to providing a whole wide spectrum of expertise, tools, networks, solutions, and answers to some of the industry’s most advanced and most complicated problems and dilemmas. One of the tools and the methodologies that they’re fond of utilizing is none other than Lean Six Sigma. They look at this particular methodology as the sole answer to most of the problems encountered and experienced by businesses and corporations.
What Does the ASQ Do?
ASQ is mission is to provide the light for people, businesses, companies, and organizations so that they can achieve and obtain excellence through the constant and continuous quality improvement they have always been doing.
In addition to that, they also create and innovate resources and tools that would aid their members to have better output and better business. In total, the ASQ is an organization that has members in over 130 countries from all across the globe, and their main objective is to streamline processes through the constant and continuous revisiting of procedures and processes.
ASQ Membership
Having over 80,000 members all over the world, these members are given the chance and the opportunity to move forward and improve their quality of business through educational improvement and enhancement. Their goal is to have partners and to help out businesses – especially those that are new in the industry to help and aid them in meeting expectations and demands by clients.
Individual ASQ Membership will help and provide exclusive access to solutions, quality knowledge, and even resources to help in resolving and putting an end to challenges, hurdles, and obstacles that your business will encounter.
Can You Become ASQ Certified?
Their Certification program started way back in 1968; this was when they saw that there are only a few ways in recognizing quality professionals in the field of quality. Then, the program began only with the Certified Quality Engineer. From there, the posts and the available certifications have grown tremendously, offering more than ten (10) varying professions and certification.
As a company or an organization, it might be better off if you let your working professionals take on the certification on their own – in fact, you can ask for their utmost help and assistance so that they can become certified.
One of the most common requirements would include the proof of professionalism to the ASQ – and it’s something that most working professionals struggle on. This proof of professionalism can actually be done and accomplished in three (3) different ways, namely:
- Professional Engineer Registration;
- ASQ Membership or an ASQ Affiliate Society. Furthermore, it can also be a society that is currently a member of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology or the American Association of Engineering Societies; and
- Two (2) ASQ Members’ signatures. They can be an international affiliate of the ASQ or a member of another recognized society.
Help and Assistance in Becoming ASQ Certified
One of the certifications you can acquire in order for you to get the ASQ Certification you have been looking to acquire is through the acquisition of a Lean Six Sigma Certification – more preferably in Green and Black Belts. Here with us at Lean Six Sigma Curriculum Experts, we can help you in your goals of achieving the Yellow or the Green Belt Lean Six Sigma Certification without actually requiring you to spend a fortune for it.
Years have passed and we became the most reliable, the most recognizable, and the most dependable Lean Six Sigma Coach and Instructor in the industry – overtaking even the oldest, and the most experienced societies and organizations in the industry. If you find yourself in a situation where you think and know you need help with Lean Six Sigma Training & Certification, you can bank and count on us here at Lean Six Sigma Curriculum Experts. Let the Lean Six Sigma Certification be your key to being a certified member of the ASQ.
Release yourself from all the stress that you have without going over budget! Talk to us today and allow your skills or your organization to excel and to move further up the ladder!